Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Anniversaries and Milestones.....

Sixty-nine years ago today, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and left over 2,400 dead.

Two months ago today,  Bob's Oncologist confirmed the diagnosis of  Multiple Myeloma, and admitted him to the hospital.
Two months ago today, he suffered through a Bone Marrow Biopsy. Two months ago today, he would have been dead within a week (the oncologist assessment) - had he not been diagnosed, and admitted to the hospital.

This journey, just as in life, is marked by milestones and anniversaries. The anniversary of the first blood transfusion, the anniversary of the infusa port, the anniversary of the first Chemo treatment, a milestone when the M-Spike begins to decrease, a milestone of partial remission, a milestone when there's a day without pain - milestones and anniversaries.

Today, Elizabeth Edwards lost her 6 year battle with Breast Cancer, and ended her journey. She taught us how to face adversity, and death, with grace and dignity. Perhaps her death saddened me more because I am living with cancer - my husband has cancer - so I live with cancer, every day.

My dream is that one day we can have an anniversary of the day no one else is diagnosed with cancer. That would truly be a milestone!


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